Payment for models who choose to work from home can be made through a Copyright Contract. The models must have PFA (Registered Individual Enterprise) or SRL (Limited Liability Company) registration. To ensure transparency and legal compliance, it is necessary to conclude a contract. Also, establishing an appropriate legal form for this collaboration method is required.
For models working in the studio, after at least 6 months of collaboration, they have the option to request to work from home. They can do this with or without equipment provided by LCM.
Within our collaboration, oferim modelelor un sistem de compensare atractiv. Astfel, primești 70-80% din procentul de 33% asociat conversiei creditelor. Această structură de remunerare îți garantează o parte semnificativă din rezultatele eforturilor tale. În plus, pentru modelele care aleg să folosească echipamentul furnizat de LCM și suport (trainer) LCM oferim un procent de 50-70%. Această ofertă îți asigură nu doar un mediu optim pentru performanță, ci și o recompensă echitabilă pentru munca ta.
In terms of our bonus system designed for home-based models, these are calculated in close accordance with the percentage. Furthermore, there is the possibility to initiate negotiations and discussions regarding establishing personalized objectives. These can take into account variables such as the number of hours spent online or the volume of earned and cashed credits. This flexible and customizable approach allows models to adapt their strategies according to their pace and preferences. We encourage dialogue and open collaboration, aiming to ensure a beautiful and fruitful collaboration with the models.