Discover the collaboration opportunity with LCM Studio în locațiile din Timișoara și București. Modelele pot lucra multi-site. Venitul minim garantat de $2500!
Pentru a fi eligibil, trebuie să îndeplinești mai multe cerințe. Cum ar fi vârsta cuprinsă între 18 și 35 de ani și cunoștințe de limba engleză la nivel mediu. Totodată și disponibilitate pentru un program de minim 7 ore pe zi, de cel puțin 5 zile pe săptămână. Perioadele de lucru sunt 1-15 și 16-30/31 în fiecare lună.
The collaboration implică participarea la Tips Battle lunar sau zilnic, în urma programului Tips Battle. De asemenea și la show-urile programate conform calendarelor de pe platforme.
In addition, a 7-14 day evaluation period is required. This serves as a trial period before being accepted and signing the contract with LCM. For collaboration, setting up a PFA (Sole Proprietorship) or SRL (Limited Liability Company) is required. In case it doesn't exist, LCM takes care of its establishment.
Within our system, we offer models a 50% commission rate on their earnings. This is calculated at the 33% credit conversion rate, which means a percentage of 16.5%. To achieve this quota, a commitment of 70 hours within 14 days is required.
A penalty of -5% is applied if the number of hours is below 70 within 14 days. A similar -5% penalty is imposed if a Reel and a Photograph are not provided daily. Every model must provide a minimum of 10 reels and 10 photos within 14 days.
For example: if you have 70 hours within a period but have not provided the requested content, the percentage will be 45%. Similarly, if you have neither provided content nor reached the minimum of 70 hours, the percentage decreases to 40%. Payment is made every Tuesday, 3 weeks after the end of the period on Flirt4Free.
For models with at least 6 months of experience, offers can exceed the minimum amount of $2500, following an evaluation. For beginner models, the initial offer can be adjusted based on evaluation results.
Plățile sunt efectuate conform procentajului, iar suma este virată la 3 săptămâni de la încheierea perioadei de lucru. Aceasta se face în baza unui raport de activitate și a facturii fiscale. Pentru a asigura un nivel de performanță constant, se iau în considerare 6 perioade F4F (14 zile) ca referință.
Any bonus or prize won in promotions or contests on Flirt4Free will be calculated with a percentage of 70%. Excluding the 50% credit conversion percentage. During the contract period, models may benefit from additional amounts from various options, including partnerships with LCM. Partnerships involving content or other opportunities such as affiliate percentages and others.
The offer includes the possibility of advancement in the Flirt Babes concept, with payment options in Euro or USD exclusively through Paxum. Financial and accounting services are available through LCM partners, with separate costs for the model. A commission of $20 is applied for processing and billing with each payment. The exchange rate, set by LCM, is -2% compared to the BNR USD exchange rate. Payments are made at a minimum threshold of 2500 lei or 500 USD. Any outstanding amounts are reported and paid upon reaching the threshold.
In case the model opts for early termination of the contract, LCM will request the return of the guaranteed bonus amounts. The termination notice must be made 30 days before the end or exit from the concept.
The contract includes a clause on unfair competition and confidentiality. Violation of this clause involves a penalty between $10,000 and $15,000, exclusively determined by LCM for the Flirt4Free site. This amount is not automatically charged but is the result of a negotiable discussion, reflecting the flexibility of the collaboration.
Contul sau protecția nu se blochează pe site-uri. La cererea modelului pentru transferul contului independent sau colaborare cu alt studio, se aplică o taxă pentru concurență neloială. Aceasta este valabilă pe minim 1 an sau maxim 2 ani după încheierea contractului. Contractul semnat poate fi extins cu încă 12 luni. După prima perioadă, se inițiază o negociere pentru condiții suplimentare. În timpul contractului, modelele nu pot solicita negocieri. Activitatea se desfășoară exclusiv la sediile LCM sau în locațiile indicate de aceștia.
The model will transfer all image rights to LCM and will consent to be promoted for traffic purposes. Promotion will be excluded from the territory of Romania. LCM will communicate to the model the promotion channels used.
Loans for cosmetic procedures, aesthetic surgeries, or purchases such as cars and leasing can be requested. Borrowed amounts can be repaid in installments, but in case of early termination of the contract, the amount must be repaid twice.
LCM reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the contract without notice. Models will be responsible for taxes and fees on their earnings. The percentage paid is net, without hidden deductions or additional commissions from LCM.